We apply cryo-electron microscopy and single-molecule methods to study medically relevant macromolecular complexes


Primit's Bio

My name is Primit Desai, an undergraduate student at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers- New Brunswick. Along with being an avid hiker and running half-marathons, I split my remainder of the time finishing classes, attending seminars and conducting research in two labs. Currently, I am working on my Honors Thesis, testing novel treatments against multi-drug resistant Propionibacterium acne, under the mentorship of Dr. Jeffery Boyd of the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology; while also learning to apply Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Single-Molecule methods in the study of mitochondrial DNA replication under the unparalleled guidance of Dr. Arek Kulczyk. With a goal of going to Graduate School after graduation, working at these two labs have provided me invaluable experiences and skills and have put me in a very competitive position. I believe there is no better time to jump into pursuing scientific research than today. While there seems to be a steep learning curve in mastering some of these 'next-gen methods', I find it equally thrilling, especially when the research promises a direct impact on improving human health.